일상/HTML5, CSS3

1.The Internet & World Wide Web

Karice 2017. 9. 30. 16:25

1.1 Internet

    • IP

:a simple protocol for attempting to send data between two computers

각각의 device는 32bit의 IP 주소를 8bit-number 4개로 가지고 있다.

자신의 local IP 주소 확인하는법

: CMD 창을 열고 "ipconfig" (쌍따옴표 없이)를 치면 된다.    

    • TCP
: adds multiplexing, guaranteed message delivery on top of IP

*port : a number given to each program or service 

 ex) port 80 : web browser
port 22 : secure shell etc

1.2 The World Wide web

    • Web Server : software that listens for web page requests
ex) Apache

    • Web Browser : fetches/displays documents from web servers
ex) Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer

    • Domain Name System (DNS)
:a set of servers that map written names to IP addresses
ex) cse.hanyang.ac.kr  ->

    • Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

: an identifier for the location of a document on a web site

    • Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)

: the set of commands understood by a web server and set from a browser

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